I’m Messing with the Colors

I just wanted to let you know that I’ve begun updating some of the colors on my site. Unfortunately, I haven’t finished updating certain other things, like the theme itself, so I kind of have a mix-and-match thing going on right now and I apologize. You’re probably wondering why I don’t just do this on a staging site - and the answer is…well…I DID do this on a staging site, and I’ve been working on it for two years. (Yes, you read that right - TWO YEARS!) I realized that in my case the staging site is acting like an enabler:

  1. It lets me explore with extravagant ideas that I won’t follow through on, because I think that I have infinite time to redo the same pieces over and over again.
  2. It tricks me into thinking that I have all the time in the world…which is why it’s still only half done after two years.

Plus, every time I try to work on my staging site there’s been some update to some theme or core plugin and there’s some memory limit issue or SOMEthing, and I spend all my “work” time just fixing the problems created by the updates, or - as has been the case lately - the updates make it so I can’t even update anymore, and I can’t even work anymore, and it becomes crippling and frustrating and logging in to work on it becomes the thing that makes me put it off again.

So I’m expecting there to be a lot of problems and loose ends and ugly things no one should have to see on the live site while I work on it, but if I do this on the live site, I figure a) at least then it will get done! and b) once it’s done, it’s done. (Right now I have a billion things on the staging site that I can’t seem to transfer to the live site, and several things on the live site that I can’t seem to transfer to the staging site!) I have had a lot of things I had intended to blog about for the last two years but I keep telling myself, “Oh, when the new site’s done I’ll write them up and post them,” because who wants to create more work for themselves, right? I don’t want to post stuff on here and then have to transfer it to the staging site and then have to transfer it all back, etc. etc. But if I just work on the live site, well, at least the site is live.

So I hope nothing bad happens and I hope this site is still standing by the time you read this post, haha. But I do expect things to get a little messy so I apologize for that.

This post was actually supposed to be just a quick update to let you know that I started messing with the colors, in case anyone dropped by and was like, “What is going on with this atrocious color scheme?!!” But it became a ramble fest. Anyway, enjoy the mess - I don’t know how long it will last. It’s 2020, though, so I figure nobody will really notice, right?

Update on 3/8/2024: Well, it’s 2024 now, and I never did finish revamping my site on WordPress. I should write about this at length sometime, but I was using different themes and different plugins, and (like I said above) I was just really struggling to keep up with all the updates changing everything I’d done already…and finally I decided to redo my entire site from scratch, coding it myself, so that I could finally maintain control of all of that. So if you’re seeing this, you’re seeing a completely fresh site, handmade and redone, and hopefully there won’t be anymore theme woes or jumbled messes.