
CoeWriting Full Disclaimer

Last Updated on November 8th, 2021

1. Nature of this site.

This website was created to share and promote the author’s books and also to serve as the author’s blog. As such, the content of this site may change and/or be updated frequently (or infrequently).

2. Disclosure of pen name.

Z. A. Coe is not the author’s real name but is the author’s pen name and is used consistently to refer to the author.

3. Opinionated content.

Any opinions, beliefs, or statements expressed by the author on this site are the author’s own and should not be misconstrued as endorsed by any other entities or parties.

4. Disclosure of humanity.

While I, Z. A. Coe, have no intention of providing contradictory or misleading information or opinions, I am also a fallible human without all the answers and reserve the right to change my opinions and stances at any time, especially if I become aware of new information leading me to alter said opinions or beliefs. Any information I provide is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge* at the time of posting, but there may be omissions, errors, or mistakes.

*Exceptions include humorous content provided for your amusement. Such content is for entertainment purposes and may contain exaggerations or other untrue elements.

I am not a professional at giving advice; therefore, any decisions you make (or don’t make) as a result of you or someone else’s use of this site are solely your responsibility and performed wholly at your own risk.

5. Offense.

All humans have different life experiences and come to different conclusions about things, even when faced with the same facts and same evidence. It is my intention to treat others with dignity and respect, even when I disagree with them, and I hope that you will do the same. You may be offended by some or all of the content on this site. I reserve the right to continue to believe what I believe and hold my own opinions without altering them for the sake of preventing you or anyone else from becoming offended. You, as always, have the right to choose whether you will be offended or not, just as you, as always, have the right to choose whether you will continue to view or use this site or not. By continuing to view and/or use this site you agree that if anything on this site offends you you will do your best to respond in an honorable manner (which may include not responding at all) that benefits all sides of the discussion, or to stop using and/or viewing this site until such a time as you are able to do so.

6. Rights.

All rights reserved, including the right to change how this site is run (including whether it will continue to be run) or managed at any time. I also reserve the right to change the focus or content as I deem appropriate.

The majority of the content produced on this site falls into the following categories:

a) Content for which this site’s author is the sole copyright holder.

b) Content for which someone other than this site’s author is the copyright holder. In these cases I have done my best to abide by the wishes of the original creator as specified in their copyright license. Please feel free to contact me if you find that I have used something to which you hold the rights and you believe I have failed to comply with your copyright license.

c) Content from God. This includes content based on what I believe God has revealed to me or based on what others, who received revelation from God, were faithful to pass on in some way, such as through sermons, books, or videos. No human can take credit for this wisdom.

7. Updates to disclaimer and terms.

The author reserves the right to update this disclaimer and these terms at any time, with or without notice. Please check back regularly to ensure you understand this disclaimer and these terms.

8. Terms of service.

By continuing to use this site and/or view its content, you are agreeing that the author shall be held harmless in the event of any negative repercussions of any kind arising from your use of this site or any of the information or content provided on it.