An Update on the Site Revamp

Today I made a lot of progress on the site and I think I’ve finally got my homepage and blog category pages squared away. I still haven’t fixed up some of my original and older pages, though, so those and also most of my blog posts still look pretty messy. Thanks for hanging in there with me! I’m happy with how far I’ve come and hope you’ll like the new site’s look as much as I do. In the meantime, this post is partially to let you know that I have actually done something for a change (haha), but also a test to see if my new blog posts actually show up where I want them to.

How do you like the new website so far? Feel free to leave your opinions in the comments!

Update on 3/8/2024: This has been such an ongoing saga…maybe almost as dogged as Felix’s. But if you’re seeing this, it means I finally succeeded in revamping my website. I canned all my previous attempts, though, and finally just coded it all from scratch. I hope you like the way the new site looks!